Monday, June 10, 2013

Week 4 - Liberty and Justice for all [but read the fine print]

I spent Week 4 of my Summer of Service at SLI but I can still give a project reflection of my site. Between last summer and this summer I have become more aware of just how untrue the statement "liberty and justice for all" truly is. There is so much fine-print and between-the-line words that are involved. I have realized that I do not want to go into a job just for the money. My vision is to work with those who are disadvantaged by the systems in place. I used to say that I wanted to help people but in reality, these people help me become a better person. We are working with each other and empowering one another to become better citizens in the world. The attorneys for whom I work rarely get attorney fees. They do not get paid overtime and yet sometimes they are out until 10 or 11pm interviewing clients. It is this type of work that interests me the most. Yeah, having money is great but sometimes money makes you lose sight of why you chose the work in the first place. My site also made me realized that those who work in public interest jobs make barely any money but yet they're happy because of the work. It is sad though because these jobs work with the people who need it the most. Some day, I hope, society's priorities will get straight.

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