Friday, June 28, 2013

Week 3

I just finished my first full week of summer camp!!!! We have had camp since June 10th but I was away in Iceland from the 12-21st so now that I am back my SOS continues. 
Relationships in the community are extremely important for most non-profits. It allows them to obtain funding, volunteers and lets them to help more people. NEC is no different. Our summer camp helps to build relationships by spreading the word about Naples Equestrian Challenge. We gained a potential volunteer this week because of camp. One of our camper's grandmother has heard all about her granddaughters week at camp and during our horse show today she came in to ask about volunteering. 
I am also building personal relationships with the riders and their families of our communities. By being a volunteer coordinator I am able to meet and work with many of our families. This includes talking to them during lessons and even calling them on the phone to explain that riding is cancelled due to the thunder and lightening. I was at the movies the other day and saw one of our riders there with his mother and sister. I was able to go over and talk to them about their summer and riding. I enjoy building these relationships and finding out more about our riders. 

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