Friday, July 20, 2012

Kou - Week 6

This week consisted of calculations of wage records and people who have needed help with food stamps so far this year. Like I've said in a previous post, there is a trial coming up in September. This week I had to create a spreadsheet for about 25-30 of the plaintiffs. I had to put in how many days a week they worked and how much they were paid (according to the wage record sheet). Then I had to calculate how much they should have been paid (according to the minimum wage for a farm worker) and calculate the difference. This was a difficult task because some of the wage records did not have the full name of the person so I had to take another wage record sheet, line it up with the sheet that did not have the full name, and go from there.
The next project I did was looking at all the people who needed help with food stamps and create a table and detail sheet for each one (41 people). Once I finished with that, I had to create a PowerPoint Presentation. I learned that people will falsify data when it comes to money and the Department of Children & Families isn't all that great.

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