Monday, July 5, 2010

Girls Inc. Week 2

Hey Guys!

So last week was my second week working at Girls Inc. Things went great! The girls are absolutely hilarious. I mainly just did arts and crafts with them, which is interesting since I'm not really an arts and crafts person. Most of their stuff looked way better than mine. I mainly just stuck to operating the hot glue gun for them. We also decorated large water bottles that we are going to use for a penny drive for Pennies for the Planet. So all of the change the girls collect will go to helping to save wildlife.
One of the main things the girls are all working on right now is their routine for the talent show. Almost every girl is participating in one way or another. Most of the girls are preparing dance routines and lip singing performances. A few girls are going to sing for real...which should be really good. Anyways, it's a pretty big deal so I'm really looking forward to seeing what all the girls come up with.
This week the girls will be starting a garden, if the weather cooperates. It rained everyday last week so the girls couldn't start it at all. That is basically everything we are working on right now. Talk to you guys in a week :)

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