Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Service in Sports lecture!

Mary Kathryn and I had thrown around the idea of a lecture series to get Bonner's name out in the Stetson and DeLand community more. We want to be known for more, expand our wings, show people what we're capable of. It would be interesting to delve deeper into how service can become a career, especially for people who are on the fence about getting involved right now.
I started working with a very close friend (... or boyfriend) in the Sports Management Association (SMA) on putting together a panel of speakers to talk about how service is incorporated in their sports profession. Currently, our list includes the Community Relations Director of the Orlando Magic, the CRD of the Daytona Cubs, a representative from NASCAR and ESPN Wide World of Sports while also including a Stetson rep. and a few nonprofits around DeLand (YMCA, the Little League, etc.). It is currently scheduled for September 20th at 6:30 in the Stetson Room. I would love it if everyone could attend this event to further market the Bonner program! SMA has been very helpful this summer in helping me get in contact with groups. It's crazy how I can call and explain what I'm calling for, I get transfered 50 times and after an hour I still haven't made any progress but I can talk to Dr. Wilson for 5 minutes and he gives me names and numbers of people he knows personally who would be perfect to come and speak. It really pays to know people.
Brainstorming and preparing potential marketing projects has been most of that planning but I am excited to have a Bonner led academic component! It's nice to be able to say that yes we're Bonners and yes we do a lot of service but we want YOU to do this too and here's how. If you're interested in attending or for more info, just contact me!

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