Sunday, August 1, 2010

The D.R. Entry 2

It's amazing what love and lolly pops can do....

Day 6

I helped with a lot of cool surgeries and consultations today. The culture here is amazing. Everyone is so affectionate and passionate. Doctors here are seen as healers and their patients are so appreciative. It's a whole different system of health care. Clearly, it has its flaws, but the doctor-patient relationship is something to strive for in the states.

The funniest thing that happened today, though, was when a little three year old girl came into the clinic today. She was very sick and screaming from the moment her mom carried her into the clinic. She screamed and cried the whole time UNTIL I pulled out one off my Dum-Dum lolly pops (I brought a huge bag from Sam's Club before I left). Her tears stopped immediately and after I asked her mom if she could have it ("claro que si" - yes of course was her reply) she grabbed it from my hand, hid behind her mom, and squeaked out a "gracias" through a gigantic smile. =) It made my day! --- I guess kids love of sweets is universal. =)

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