Sunday, May 30, 2010

Picture 1

This past week and a half was awesome, rewarding and tiring all at the same time. I can't remember the last time I've wanted to nap so much in my life (other than after pulling all-nighters, of course). So far, I've only fiven in twice! Last week, we went on a field trip to a Daytona Cubs game and I was one of the chaperones. It was and education event day so there for students from many elementary schools there. I had my own group of eight fifth graders and we ventured off on our own. While they were a well-behaved group, I never fully grasped all the responsivility invovled until that day. Now only that, I must have counted heads a thousand times within the couple of hours we were there. We enjoyed each other's company, but it wasn't really enjoyable for any of us because it was so hot outside. The bus ride back was pretty miserable...haha...we were sandwhiched together in groups of three to a seat with minimal air conditioning and lots of body heat.

Other than the field trip, it has just been a normal week. Well, as normal as school gets. I graded papers, gave a test know, the usual. There was one day, the fifth grade teacher was out at a meeting so I helped the fourth grade teach who I aided for during the year. She was behind on her grading (this is a total understatement! She was three weeks behind. See for yourself picture 1). Thank goodness I had my cup of gingseng tea. I graded for seven hours and I still had a pile left. Granted, I put everything in alphabetical order.To give you an idea of how much papers there were, imagine four full sized textbooks stacked together. Nonetheless, I was glad I could help her out. There is so much that teachers need to do for the students now that it is towards the end of the year in order for them to go on to the next grade level. You know how stress we get during finals? That's how if feels like for them. Never, a dull moment, that's for sure.

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