Saturday, May 15, 2010

It Begins

So after settling in and having a day or two to explore the city, the Salvation Army put me to work. Yesterday I worked in what they call 'die Insel', which translates to 'the island', and is a cafe more or less for underprivileged/poor people. I can't be sure but I think most of the people who come in aren't homeless. I think sometimes it becomes a place for people who don't have, or don't feel that they have, a community of their own and so die Insel becomes a place where they feel welcome and can relate to the other people.

The cafe sells food and drinks for €-.50 but gives tea out for free. I work with another volunteer, he comes from northern Germany and his name is Manuel. We have a lot of fun together and when it gets slow in the cafe we give each other lessons on how to speak our respective native languages... it gets interesting. Our cook, her name is Maria, is really funny too and has a great personality. Though die Insel isn't the most exciting place to work for 5 hours, it goes by quickly with the people I'm working with.

I'm still SUPER jet-lagged but I hope that feeling will go away soon. I met some new friends that go to the local university here from my friend Jessica Moon who goes to Stetson. We went out the other night to a local Irish Pub which gives lessons to its patrons on how to dance...Irishly?? and had a lot of fun, hopefully we can do that again soon.

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