Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Inter-tribal stuff

As Bonners some of us see a lot of hardship through our volunteer works. We see people in poverty, people disabled and such, I often wonder how everyone deals with this. For me, I get so down seeing people suffering so much. And yeh, I feel a little better knowing that I did something to help but peoples' suffering tends to stay with me. I'm doing a lot of research for my non profit, one of the subjects is American Indian women. Well I am one and I am obviously related to others. I was very lucky when my parents decided to raise my brother and I off the reservation. We maybe 1500 miles away but we still saw and felt the effects of reservation life. As I'm doing my research, I notice how much this topic makes me depressed. One book not only went into the statistics but actually retold women's stories of rape. We do service because its the right thing to do, we do service because we love it, but how do we deal with these depressing issues?  

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