Also, moving into the Wesley House allows my roommate and I to cook. Here is our latest creation: Too large cookies
Tuesday was even crazier because we cleaned up from the club of the night before. We had some YL girls come over and help out, and in return they received money for camp. Now, YL camp is something that we push for students to go to all year. The only problem is it is really expensive. Luckily, throughout the summer we do all sorts of fundraisers and kids work for their money. This week has been spring cleaning week for our YL house and what better way to do it than to higher some kids. So, yesterday we filled about 8 giant garbage bags with newspaper and other things thrown around the house. We swept and mopped and organized and we still aren’t done. So just working around the house and hanging out the girls received about $80 for camp just in one day. This, of course is great for them and an awesome bonding experience for us.
Oh man, talk about bonding experiences, the girls received an extra $10 to eat a live goldfish from the club skit the night before. After they had done it, and after much persuasion, my awesome area director said, “And because Abbey loves you guys so much, and wants to show here support in any possible way, she too will eat a live goldfish.” !!!??! Thanks Aaron…you’re awesome.
Abbey. Abbey, Abbey, Abbey! Did you really? Is there video of this? You rock. :D