So, this past week we had our last club on Monday. This club is particularly crazy. We call is "messiest club" because it is basically a full on food fight. This is the first time I was able to attend since I was here. Just to give you an idea, here is a list of things I was covered in:
string beans
pickled eggs
It was pretty exciting and pretty smelly. I would put a picture or two up here, but I don't have them yet. Hopefully they will be up soon for you guys.
Of course, the rest of the week was spent cleaning up the aftermath of the club. We got some kids to help with this and in turn they received some money for camp. Also, we now have about 15 girls signed up for camp. This is really exciting and also a little nerve racking. There are only two girl leaders, including myself. Hopefully, together we will be able to get to know all of them well during our camp week. I'm hoping that next week I will be able to work with more of the girls who are planning on coming to camp. I already know most of them, but now it's my job to get know the girls I don't know before we go to camp. I'm also getting ready for my month at the Young Life camp in Georgia. I feel like that is when my true summer of service starts. Most likely, I will be working about 12 hours a day there. It's going to be hard work, but I am extremely excited.
Oh yea, my area director decided to try and go over the pile of mulch we just acquired at the Young Life house. :

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