Saturday, August 10, 2013

Week 7

It was so hard to say goodbye and leave Bulembu. The town became my home for the summer and the people became my family. I hope that I was able to make a difference in their lives, as they were able to make a big difference in mine. I learned so much about myself this summer that I could not have anywhere else. I had to overcome fears, work outside of my comfort zone, and do things that I had never done before. What I learned in Bulembu I can take back with me for working with children back home, and teaching in the future. The teachers and principal were so helpful in providing tips and feedback for teaching. Those are things that you can only learn through experience. I hope I was able to teach the kids something new. Whether that was through the math lesson that I taught or just from our conversations about The United States and my life and theirs. Bulembu is such an incredible town and the people there are doing amazing things. I hope that one day I can return to Bulembu to continue making a difference there. 

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