Day 1: We arrived at Windy Gap at 3:30pm on Sunday. We got settled into our cabin and had free time till club. After club we had the obstacle course. Now, just so you know, everything at camp is a surprise. We even tell the second timers to not ruin the surprise for the new campers. Basically, they had no idea what they were getting into the first night. By the end of the obstacle course all of us were completely covered in mud and had to throw away the clothes and shoes we were wearing. They loved it because it pushed them like never before. This first event is really supposed to get the cabin to bond because even though these girls all go to DeLand High, they don't all hang out together. Here is our cabin before the course:
Day 2: The big event during the day on this day is the all camp volley ball tournament. The campers are told to go back to the cabin with their leaders to put together a team uniform. I made sure to make t-shirts before I left for camp so we were good there. I decided to go along with the boys theme, which was Team Edward. So, we were Team Jacob. The guys costumes were pretty funny. Their leaders covered them in glitter spray and gave them gel for their hair.
Day 3: The event for this day was the pool Olympics. We were still competing in our same teams. Some of the games were lilly pad racing, synchronized swimming, and pretty much anything silly involving water. Here is a picture of one of my girls jumping from the diving board to grab a rubber chicken at the end of a pole:
Day 4: The event of the day today was cabin clean-up and cabin challenge. The cabin challenge was just running around with your cabin and trying to get as many points as you could by performing different tasks like bobbing for apples, or pulling a tractor, or creating a human pyramid. That night was what we call the night that never ends (if you read any of my earlier blogs you know that for summer staff its because of the clean-up). For leaders its just a none stop night of fun. We started the night off by getting the cabin dressed up in western gear, cowboy hats and all. Then we eat a very southern dinner (fried chicken, ochre, pickles; creamed corn, corn bread, green bean casserole, cheesy potatoes, and for desert: apple crisp). After dinner we watch the "opera". This is the climax of the skit character and story line we have been seeing all week at club and at each meal. After that we have the county fair, or the carnival. As a leader I have the privilege of getting dunked in a dunk tank, pied in the face, and getting flour thrown all over me. It's all in good fun and I did it with a smile on my face, because that is how much I love my girls. After that we have an all camp square dance and dance through the ages party. :

Day 5: The big event for the day is the all camp hike. The hike itself is not too bad. It's getting your cabin to want to do the hike that's hard. There is lots of grumbling, but once they see the view at the top they are all glad they have done it. At night we had club and 20 minutes of quiet time, where the kids could sit out under the stars and just think and pray by themselves.
Day 6: At this point the days start to slow down and we just have free time in the afternoon and club at night. Dinner was special this day because we all dressed up. The food was amazing (I mean it always is) but, on this night we had steak. Here are the leaders:
Day 7: This is always a sad day, because it is the day that we leave camp. Today was basically just filled with free time. It was nice and relaxing hanging out with the girls and doing some of the things around camp that some of them might not have had a chance to do.
This week was so awesome. I got to know these girls on a level that sometimes not even their closest friends know. This upcoming semester I plan on keeping these relationships close and hanging out with them more and more. They know that they can come to me with anything. First and foremost I'm their leader, but I know that I have made some lasting friendships this past week. I am so excited for the school year and can't wait to get started.
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