Saturday, August 14, 2010
HoundHaven week 7 & 8
~~ Well these past two weeks have definitely been fun. The first week in August I only worked 3 days because I had to go to a wedding in Jacksonville on Wednesday afternoon until Sunday afternoon. The wedding was fun but I would of been happier to spend the whole week with the dogs. I am very happy though because in the past two weeks we had a lot of dogs get adopted. Some of my favorite dogs have gone home which has made me very happy. It is nice to see that even with the economy as it is now there are still some people that will adopt a dog that really needs a home. I wish that the rest of the dogs would get adopted as well. We were able to get 3 new dogs this week as well. They are absolutely adorable too. I wish that I could have more time with them and get to know them and love them. I know that I am definitely going to come back to HoundHaven as much as possible during the holidays. I really felt like family to not only the dogs but the other volunteers as well. On Thursday one of the volunteers made a Thank You/ Farewell gift. It was a picture frame with some of the dog paw prints on it and the names of all the dogs that have been there since I got there. In the middle of the picture of the frame it says "Thank you Rachael for all of your help!!!". That made me feel so loved and I knew that I just had to come back some time and work with these wonderful people again. I will definitely miss them but I know I will see them again soon.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
DR Entry 5
Day 11
The kids from the barrios were by the guest house gates today. I stopped on my way to the clinic today and hung out with them. It was really sad. I saw one older girl that I didn't recognize. She kept asking me something in Spanish, but I couldn't understand her. Finally, she handed me a small piece of paper that said:
"Give me candy.
Give me shoes.
I will work for you."
Of course I said no. I explained I didn't have any candy (dulce) and I needed my shoes (zapatos) to work in the clinic to help people. She couldn't have been more than 9 or 10 years old. It broke my heart.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Windy Gap
So this past week I went to camp again, but this time I went as a leader. I stayed in the cabin with my girls from DeLand. It was physically, emotionally, and spiritually draining, and it was awesome!
Day 1: We arrived at Windy Gap at 3:30pm on Sunday. We got settled into our cabin and had free time till club. After club we had the obstacle course. Now, just so you know, everything at camp is a surprise. We even tell the second timers to not ruin the surprise for the new campers. Basically, they had no idea what they were getting into the first night. By the end of the obstacle course all of us were completely covered in mud and had to throw away the clothes and shoes we were wearing. They loved it because it pushed them like never before. This first event is really supposed to get the cabin to bond because even though these girls all go to DeLand High, they don't all hang out together. Here is our cabin before the course:

Day 2: The big event during the day on this day is the all camp volley ball tournament. The campers are told to go back to the cabin with their leaders to put together a team uniform. I made sure to make t-shirts before I left for camp so we were good there. I decided to go along with the boys theme, which was Team Edward. So, we were Team Jacob. The guys costumes were pretty funny. Their leaders covered them in glitter spray and gave them gel for their hair.
We also had a rodeo that night after free time and before dinner. We walked down past the horse stables to a dirt clearing. Before we left we were told what team color to wear (we were on the green team). We then proceeded to sign kids up for games like barrel racing, bat spin relay, shovel pull, and circle tug o war. (the rope was a circle so all teams played to pull it to their corner):

Day 3: The event for this day was the pool Olympics. We were still competing in our same teams. Some of the games were lilly pad racing, synchronized swimming, and pretty much anything silly involving water. Here is a picture of one of my girls jumping from the diving board to grab a rubber chicken at the end of a pole:
That night we had entertainment night, in which the leaders get to go up on stage at club and perform funny skits and pretty much just make their campers laugh. I was in a skit where I acted like a bratty little kid. Pretty easy ;-)
Day 4: The event of the day today was cabin clean-up and cabin challenge. The cabin challenge was just running around with your cabin and trying to get as many points as you could by performing different tasks like bobbing for apples, or pulling a tractor, or creating a human pyramid. That night was what we call the night that never ends (if you read any of my earlier blogs you know that for summer staff its because of the clean-up). For leaders its just a none stop night of fun. We started the night off by getting the cabin dressed up in western gear, cowboy hats and all. Then we eat a very southern dinner (fried chicken, ochre, pickles; creamed corn, corn bread, green bean casserole, cheesy potatoes, and for desert: apple crisp). After dinner we watch the "opera". This is the climax of the skit character and story line we have been seeing all week at club and at each meal. After that we have the county fair, or the carnival. As a leader I have the privilege of getting dunked in a dunk tank, pied in the face, and getting flour thrown all over me. It's all in good fun and I did it with a smile on my face, because that is how much I love my girls. After that we have an all camp square dance and dance through the ages party. :
Day 5: The big event for the day is the all camp hike. The hike itself is not too bad. It's getting your cabin to want to do the hike that's hard. There is lots of grumbling, but once they see the view at the top they are all glad they have done it. At night we had club and 20 minutes of quiet time, where the kids could sit out under the stars and just think and pray by themselves.

Day 6: At this point the days start to slow down and we just have free time in the afternoon and club at night. Dinner was special this day because we all dressed up. The food was amazing (I mean it always is) but, on this night we had steak. Here are the leaders:
Day 7: This is always a sad day, because it is the day that we leave camp. Today was basically just filled with free time. It was nice and relaxing hanging out with the girls and doing some of the things around camp that some of them might not have had a chance to do.
This week was so awesome. I got to know these girls on a level that sometimes not even their closest friends know. This upcoming semester I plan on keeping these relationships close and hanging out with them more and more. They know that they can come to me with anything. First and foremost I'm their leader, but I know that I have made some lasting friendships this past week. I am so excited for the school year and can't wait to get started.
Day 1: We arrived at Windy Gap at 3:30pm on Sunday. We got settled into our cabin and had free time till club. After club we had the obstacle course. Now, just so you know, everything at camp is a surprise. We even tell the second timers to not ruin the surprise for the new campers. Basically, they had no idea what they were getting into the first night. By the end of the obstacle course all of us were completely covered in mud and had to throw away the clothes and shoes we were wearing. They loved it because it pushed them like never before. This first event is really supposed to get the cabin to bond because even though these girls all go to DeLand High, they don't all hang out together. Here is our cabin before the course:
Day 2: The big event during the day on this day is the all camp volley ball tournament. The campers are told to go back to the cabin with their leaders to put together a team uniform. I made sure to make t-shirts before I left for camp so we were good there. I decided to go along with the boys theme, which was Team Edward. So, we were Team Jacob. The guys costumes were pretty funny. Their leaders covered them in glitter spray and gave them gel for their hair.
Day 3: The event for this day was the pool Olympics. We were still competing in our same teams. Some of the games were lilly pad racing, synchronized swimming, and pretty much anything silly involving water. Here is a picture of one of my girls jumping from the diving board to grab a rubber chicken at the end of a pole:
Day 4: The event of the day today was cabin clean-up and cabin challenge. The cabin challenge was just running around with your cabin and trying to get as many points as you could by performing different tasks like bobbing for apples, or pulling a tractor, or creating a human pyramid. That night was what we call the night that never ends (if you read any of my earlier blogs you know that for summer staff its because of the clean-up). For leaders its just a none stop night of fun. We started the night off by getting the cabin dressed up in western gear, cowboy hats and all. Then we eat a very southern dinner (fried chicken, ochre, pickles; creamed corn, corn bread, green bean casserole, cheesy potatoes, and for desert: apple crisp). After dinner we watch the "opera". This is the climax of the skit character and story line we have been seeing all week at club and at each meal. After that we have the county fair, or the carnival. As a leader I have the privilege of getting dunked in a dunk tank, pied in the face, and getting flour thrown all over me. It's all in good fun and I did it with a smile on my face, because that is how much I love my girls. After that we have an all camp square dance and dance through the ages party. :

Day 5: The big event for the day is the all camp hike. The hike itself is not too bad. It's getting your cabin to want to do the hike that's hard. There is lots of grumbling, but once they see the view at the top they are all glad they have done it. At night we had club and 20 minutes of quiet time, where the kids could sit out under the stars and just think and pray by themselves.
Day 6: At this point the days start to slow down and we just have free time in the afternoon and club at night. Dinner was special this day because we all dressed up. The food was amazing (I mean it always is) but, on this night we had steak. Here are the leaders:
Day 7: This is always a sad day, because it is the day that we leave camp. Today was basically just filled with free time. It was nice and relaxing hanging out with the girls and doing some of the things around camp that some of them might not have had a chance to do.
This week was so awesome. I got to know these girls on a level that sometimes not even their closest friends know. This upcoming semester I plan on keeping these relationships close and hanging out with them more and more. They know that they can come to me with anything. First and foremost I'm their leader, but I know that I have made some lasting friendships this past week. I am so excited for the school year and can't wait to get started.
Sharptop Cove, Week 4: My Future?
Hey guys, so I didn't get a chance to talk about my fourth week at SharpTop yet because I had to go to Windy Gap, which is yet another Young Life camp. Week four was so sad. Everything we did was the last. The last tableaux, the last carnival, the last sopapillas, the last day on the Tower with my team. These past four weeks have really made me think about my future. Right now I am a Studio Art Major, which doesn't really give me much right out of undergrad. I talked to two girls while I was on summer staff who are going to Savannah College of Art and Design. They say that the graduate program is really good there and I could start off by taking random art classes just to test each program. This would really help me because I honestly don't see me doing fine art for the rest of my life. It takes a lot of ambition and you really have to want it to make it anywhere in the art world. So, if I went to graduate school for something like interior design, architecture, or maybe fibers, I would have a little bit more direction for a career. These past four weeks have also made me think about my service site and if I would be interested in pursuing that as a career. In Young Life there are two options, either Field Staff or Property Staff. Field Staff is where you work around the country or maybe even a different country and you work directly with the kids. You get them to come to club each week and build relationships with them. It is kind of what I am doing now, it would just me higher up, so I might be in charge of a whole area of kids. Property Staff is working at one of the many camps around the world. Personally, I could see myself working on property because it would just fit me better. I'm just okay at relating with high schoolers. I feel that working behind the scenes on property staff would be best for me. That is why I'm thinking of interning next summer or the summer after at a Young Life camp. Who knows, I might even intern for an entire year. Anyways, as you can see I've had a lot to think about. This upcoming year I might do Student Staff, just to get more involved with the Field Staff part of Young Life to see what it is about. It's really scary to think that I have only one year left of school. I'm really excited =)
Friday, August 6, 2010
An awesome summer at Girls Inc!
So on my way to campus I was thinking about everything I have done this summer with my girls. On my last day I felt so weird because it didn't feel like I had been working there for 7 weeks. However, when I think back over all of the activities we have done and how well I have gotten to know the girls then it really does start to feel like 7 weeks. I really wish I could be there with them during the school year to see how they are doing and know how things are going in school. They have made this summer so amazing (as well as exhausting) for me. Many of them expressed to me some concerns and problems that they have in school. I tried to give the best advice I could at the time but during the summer I don't think much of it is going to stick. I wish I could be there for them after school every day to help them with homework and to keep encouraging them. I know they will be fine though because of the excellent staff of women working there. This summer was by far one of the most rewarding for me. I could literally see these girls growing and maturing in just the months that I spent with them. I have had a similar experience working with CAUSE at the Boys and Girls Club but it is truly different when you spend all day every day with these girls rather than just twice a week for 2 hours at a time. My time at Girls Inc was something different. It was an awesome summer with some of the most crazy and amazing girls I know. This summer of service rocked! I don't really think I could put it any other way than that :)
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Last days at Girls Inc
So the last couple of days at Girls Inc were awesome! We celebrated the end of summer by having a water day. The girls brought their bathing suits and we set up sprinklers, slip n' slides, water balloon fights, and sprinkler twister (which was better in theory than actual execution) haha. The girls all had a blast! We also had what the girls considered their favorite day, chocolate day!!! It was awesome. The girls made a bunch of recipes using different kinds of chocolate. They made worms n' dirt, chocolate mousse, double chocolate chip cookies, homemade chocolate ice cream, and a few other things. It was crazy! We wrapped up the day by watching Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Overall it was a great ending to the summer. I am really going to miss all of my girls. Most of them are actually looking forward to going back to school, which I find really weird.
SOS Week 9
So I went from a fabulus week to a really trying week. I was sent to the DeLand Police Department this week and let me tell you...they were not very intested in having a volunteer inturn. I learned a lot about how to keep a smile on my face even when there was NOTHING to smile about. And I also learned the value in making sure the people/orgs we are working with want our help.
SOS Week 8
This week was one of the funnest weeks I have had this summer! I spend this week with Mainstreet DeLand and if anyone is looking for a service site that has to do with community and econ development and even planning please please come see me! Mainstreet was a great place to work :)
I was able to sit in on many planning meetings and I was also able to work in the marketing and PR area of the organization.
This week was one of the funnest weeks I have had this summer! I spend this week with Mainstreet DeLand and if anyone is looking for a service site that has to do with community and econ development and even planning please please come see me! Mainstreet was a great place to work :)
I was able to sit in on many planning meetings and I was also able to work in the marketing and PR area of the organization.
SOS Week 7
So again I apologize for my tardiness (I am so bad at remebering to blog).
For my 7th week of SOS I had to opportunity to work in the Public Services Department. On the whole this department incumpasses city water, waste water, storm water and landscaping; however, they are very much wanting to move into public service that goes over and beyond these nessecities. Such as community deveolpment and betterment through outreach!
During my week here I worked very closely with the City Forester and the City Nursery staff. (If anyone is wanting to start a community garden please let me know because I have contact information for you!) I also got the chance to do a little grant writing and then lots and lots of organizing and filing, its not the most exciting work but it needs to be done :)
So again I apologize for my tardiness (I am so bad at remebering to blog).
For my 7th week of SOS I had to opportunity to work in the Public Services Department. On the whole this department incumpasses city water, waste water, storm water and landscaping; however, they are very much wanting to move into public service that goes over and beyond these nessecities. Such as community deveolpment and betterment through outreach!
During my week here I worked very closely with the City Forester and the City Nursery staff. (If anyone is wanting to start a community garden please let me know because I have contact information for you!) I also got the chance to do a little grant writing and then lots and lots of organizing and filing, its not the most exciting work but it needs to be done :)
D.R. Entry 4
Day 10
The American surgical team arrived yesterday. We started seeing patients for consults today. There were hundreds of people here. It was a mad house! I helped out in the prosthetics department (giving people artificial limbs). It was so amazing to see people walk for the first time in years since they had been in accidents. It's a VERY long process to fit a prosthetic, but the people were patient and appreciative.
It's going to be a very different week this week--- I can tell already. I guess the only diplomatic way to describe this group is to say they definitely do not approach service in a community like Bonners do. =( It's been a long day.
Monday, August 2, 2010
The D.R. Entry 3
Day 8
It's the weekend so I get to spend some time in the community (outside of the clinic) today. We went to the "barrios", which is a small, poor village right down the road from the guest house. I was so looking forward to just hanging out with the kids. Putting aside medicine. Just playing with the kids like I would at the Boys and Girls Club or the YMCA. But life hands us crazy surprises! ...
It started out great! A few of us walked toward the village and small children ran to meet us yelling, "Americanos, Americanos aqui!!" It was so cute! We walked hand-in-hand with them down to a little creek nearby. Some of the kids played in the creek, while others skipped rocks. I immediately realized this combo was a very bad idea, but I didn't know how to say "throw the rocks further down the stream" in espanol. =( A few minutes later a little girl got hit in the head with a rock that a little boy threw. Her head bled a lot but I knew she would be okay because I had seen head wounds like it before. Long story short, I fixed her up and every time I saw her after I asked her how her "cabeza" (head) was. =)
That day I thanked God for how He always places me where I can be used and links my passions together.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
The D.R. Entry 2
It's amazing what love and lolly pops can do....
Day 6
I helped with a lot of cool surgeries and consultations today. The culture here is amazing. Everyone is so affectionate and passionate. Doctors here are seen as healers and their patients are so appreciative. It's a whole different system of health care. Clearly, it has its flaws, but the doctor-patient relationship is something to strive for in the states.
The funniest thing that happened today, though, was when a little three year old girl came into the clinic today. She was very sick and screaming from the moment her mom carried her into the clinic. She screamed and cried the whole time UNTIL I pulled out one off my Dum-Dum lolly pops (I brought a huge bag from Sam's Club before I left). Her tears stopped immediately and after I asked her mom if she could have it ("claro que si" - yes of course was her reply) she grabbed it from my hand, hid behind her mom, and squeaked out a "gracias" through a gigantic smile. =) It made my day! --- I guess kids love of sweets is universal. =)
Almost Done...
So I only have a little bit of time left at Girls Inc. My time there has gone by so fast it is crazy. Each day has been so chaotic and so fun that I am going to be sad to say goodbye to my girls. Last week was kind of crazy because it was the end of us doing our planned programs with the girls. We finished up all of our recycling projects and counted all of the pennies that the girls had been collecting for their project called Pennies for the Planet. Tomorrow I will find out the total amount of money that the girls raised. All of the pennies they collect will go towards protecting and preserving wildlife. The girls also finished putting the final touches on the garden that they started with one of the staff members. They are all really excited to have something from the summer that they can continue to work on and add to as the school starts, since many of the girls also attend Girls Inc. after school program. This upcoming final week will be a lot of free time for the girls to play and some themed days planned by the staff members. Tomorrow is a spa day. The girls will be making at home face masks, hand rubs, shampoos, and lip glosses. I'm sure it is going to be a total mess so it sure to be a ton of fun. I will blog again soon to let you guys know how my final day goes!
Week 6 Lowry Park Zoo Camp
~~ For this past week I have been working at the Lowry Park Zoo School Camp instead of HoundHaven. I had already made a promise to the Zoo School before the summer started that I would be an intern for the week of July 26th to July 30th. For one week I have gone to the Zoo to help out in a classroom. The Lowry Park Zoo summer camp internship was amazingly wonderful. My classroom theme for the week was "Things That Make You Go Ewww!". On Monday we fed the stingrays and visited some of the animals in the park. We did some arts & crafts, and watched some movies. The kids learned about the Portuguese man-of-war, scorpions, and black widow spiders. The children were great the first day if not a little excited. They definitely liked to talk a lot but they were cute and fun to be around. Monday was definitely eventful especially in the morning. On Tuesday, we had some more zoo hikes but we went on the rides this time. There are only a few rides though. We went on the Safari ride and were surprised when the Giraffes got in front of the tram and ate the moss on top of the tram and then as we drove by they stayed by the tram so they were only feet away from us. Then we went to feed the Budgie's, which of course is a small bird. We made the Budgie sticks in the class room with popsicle stick, melted wax, and bird seeds. It was so much fun for not only the kids but for the interns as well. The birds would fly around us and if you were the only one with food you would have at least five birds on you arm and they would fight for the food. After feeding the Budgie's we rode a few of the rides they have in the park. The kids went on the carousel and a small roller coaster called the Tasmanian Tiger. Of course we got to see some of the animals. The animal encounter on Tuesday was a type of toad that is an evasive species. The Ewww factor about this toad was that it peed a lot. It was funny when the toad first jumped out of the handler's hand and then towards the end it peed all over her hand and ran down her arm and onto the floor. The toad itself was quite ugly. On Wednesday we had water play day. This gives the kids a chance to play in the water play areas in the morning. The interns and the teachers sat in the shade and mnonitored the children to make sure they were not breaking any rules. Thankfully we didn't have many problems. After lunch we worked on the daily packet and made snails in arts & crafts. Agter that we went back out into the Zoo and fed the Warty Pig's mealworms. I, of course, did not touch but all the kids took a hand full and tossed it over the fence for the pig's to eat. After that they came back to the school and played on the playground until 3:00. At the end of the day they watched Animal Planets Most Extreme. It started to rain really badly right before we all left, so that was tons of fun (sarcastic remark). On Thursday we had a substitute teacher because the regular teacher had a meating to go to. Mr. Danny was a good teacher. We got to see a zoo keeper feed the Hornbill's. Then we went around the zoo and saw some more animals. After lunch we made owl's in arts & crafts. The kids fed the goats and and went into the petting zoo to pet the goats. I did not get to go in because one of the kids did not want to go in because he doesn't really like to go near animals. He is also an autistic child. He was eleven years old in eight to nine year old class. He threw a few tantrums when he didn't get his way. He was definitely a special little boy and needed one on one attention. On Thursday I had a meeting in the afternoon with some of the other interns and the youth volunteer coordinator. For our intern training we did a scavenger hunt through out the zoo. We got split into two teams and went out into the zoo and answered a few questions about the animals. We had to do this in half an hour too. Thankfully my group knew a few of the answers anyways because we have been through the zoo many times this week and we listen to our teachers as they explain a few things to the students about the animals. The coordinator said that we all win because the group in the morning scammed her earlier and we actually did the right thing. Of course my team got the most answers right compared to the other team. Friday was an interesting day. The kids got to feed the skunks and then go and play in the water for about an hour. We ate lunch inside on Friday instead of outside like we did the other days. The kids got to watch "Night at the Museum" and have cupcakes because one of the kids had a birthday and their mom brought cupcakes and then the other intern in the class room made cupcakes for the kids and cake for the interns and teachers. After lunch the kids made spiders in arts & crafts and then we all went to the aquarium part in the Florida section of the zoo. We also got to see the Birds of Prey show. When we went back to the school and I played referee to the kids as they played kickball. During afternoon snack the kids got to finish watching the movie as they waited for their parents to pick them up. The whole week was very enjoyable and eventful. I can't wait to go to the zoo to actually visit with my family and do all the things that I missed out on. I was lucky to get three free tickets to the zoo so I can take my mom and brother one day.
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