Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Improving Bonner

Firstly, I want to say that what Zack posted is completely correct. If the Bonner Foundation plateaus with the school we currently incorporate then how are we expected to grow and become more affective? Secondly, I feel as though even though Bonner has joined the 21st century in a strong way with blogs, wikis, twitters, and a myriad of other technologies, the things that we really need have not been completely given to us. For example, if we had a mobile application in which we could log hours into BWBRS I am sure it would significantly increase the amount of hours logged, and the amount of hours that are accurately logged. I also feel as though there needs to be more communication between strong Bonner schools and fledgling Bonner schools. As the Bonner National Advisory Board has been implemented for some of this reason I feel like the only way for real growth is trial and error. Obviously a larger, stronger Bonner program like Stetson's has had it's fair share of trial and error and if we cannot pass this knowledge off to others then there is no reason for communication whatsoever. We need to be able to help our fellow Bonner schools.
Finally I think the Bonner Foundation needs to always have reachable. realistic goals. It is great to aim high, in fact it is what everyone should do, but aiming too high for some things can end up being simply deflating. We have been very good about our goals setting, but now that we are becoming a strong national movement we need to make sure to keep our heads on straight, as well as humble.

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