Wednesday, January 27, 2010


So a quotation that means something to me about service. I heard this, I believe, at the first IMPACT conference I attended in 2008:

"Nothing is stronger than the heart of a volunteer." Lt. Col. James H. Doolittle , April 18, 1942.

This quote hits home because if you think about it, what is stronger than someone who would drop all they're doing and go to Haiti to help? Or stop on their drive to work to rescue a stray dog? It seems to me that this purity sets some apart from others. This is not to say that not everyone has this in their hearts, but some people seem to pay more attention to crafting this ability within themselves. I feel like as Bonner scholars we really can become strong through crafting our hearts to be sympathetic, empathetic, and caring for others. Volunteering is meant to help others.

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